Firearm Amnesty – Northern Territory

 National Firearms   Amnesty 

If you have an unregistered or unwanted firearm, this is an opportunity to hand it in with no questions asked.

Because no unregistered firearms in our community is our aim.

Northern Territory

For more information, visit our Australia-wide FAQ here.

In the Northern Territory firearms can be surrendered at police stations or participating licensed dealers.

Click here to find your nearest surrender point.

No, you do not need to prearrange a drop off. Firearms can be delivered at any time to any open Police Station.

Under no circumstances should loaded firearms be taken into a police station, dealer or other public place.

When surrendering a firearm to a participating licensed dealer or to a police station, make sure the firearm is unloaded and where possible, remove the bolt or other method to render the firearm safe.

Your firearm should be placed in a gun bag or be wrapped in a blanket prior to taking it to a participating licensed dealer (only available in some states) or to a police station. 

Ammunition can be taken to a participating licensed dealer (only available in some states) or to a police station at the same time as your firearm but should be in a separate bag, box or container.

The amnesty provides protection from prosecution where a person is in possession of an unregistered firearm for the purpose of handing it in.

If you seek to register firearms you hand in, you may need to pay licensing, registration or permit to acquire fees. To learn about fees in your state or territory, please refer to the Northern Territory Police, Fire & Emergency Services.

There is no cost involved with handing in firearms for destruction.

If you apply to register firearms you hand in, those firearms will be stored at an approved location while the registration process takes place. In the NT this approved location may be a police station or licensed firearms dealer. You cannot possess the firearms during the registration process.

I do not hold a firearms licence and wish to have firearms returned once I have a licence*I hold a firearms licence and wish to have these firearms registered and added to my licence.

Firstly apply for a firearms licence as you cannot own a firearm without a licence:


If the firearm fits within allowed categories, you can apply for a permit to purchase a firearm. For categories and information visit:


*A firearm licence allows you to use a firearm if you hold a genuine reason – you cannot own or buy a firearm just because you have a licence. You also need a permit to acquire for each and every firearm.

Yes. Registerable firearms may be sold to a licensed firearms dealer who will be required to complete and submit a permit to purchase form.  If you sell any firearms, the sale will be subject to private commercial arrangements between you and the dealer.

Yes. You will be required to complete the Authority to Dispose of Surrendered Firearm / Weapon form.  You can request a copy of this form for your personal records if required.

You will be required to complete the Authority to Dispose of Surrendered Firearm / Weapon form.  You can request a copy of this form for your personal records if required.


During the firearms amnesty, Northern Territory Police will also without prosecution, accept the surrender of weapons that are prohibited or controlled as defined in the Weapons Control Act 2001 (NT).  


These may include, but is not limited to:

  • Flick knives, knuckle knives, throwing blades and similar
  • Cross bows
  • Slingshots
  • Knuckle dusters
  • Batons
  • Imitation firearms (gel blasters / air soft)
  • Body armour
  • Tasers 


A full list of controlled and prohibited weapons can be found on the Weapons Control Regulations 2001.

It is an offence to be in possession of fireworks after Territory Day celebrations.

Fireworks may also be surrendered without fear of prosecution. You can surrender fireworks to NT WorkSafe front counters (Alice Springs, Katherine and Darwin) at any time of the year. If you are outside these locations you can surrender them to a police station front counter. 

Firearms Policy & Records Unit
Northern Territory Police, Fire & Emergency Services
(08) 8922 3543
[email protected]