The theft of farm machinery can cause considerable personal and financial loss for farmers. There are things that you can do to reduce the opportunity for theft. It can be easy to become complacent, and while some of our suggestions may seem time consuming and drastic, they are worthwhile if theft can be prevented. Remember […]
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To reduce the opportunity for thieves to gain entry into your home, it is worthwhile considering the following security tips: Ensure appropriate keyed locks are fitted to all doors and windows. Even when you are outside, be sure to lock all doors and windows. Lock gates, garages and sheds when not in use. House keys, […]
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“She had shoulder-length blonde hair, was wearing a green shirt and the person she was with called her Angela.” “He was tall with a dark beard and a shaved head.” “It was an orange car that had roof racks, a broken left tail light and a loud muffler.” Each of these seemingly innocuous observations could […]
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From spyware to dodgy online merchants, the threat of online fraud is real – and you are the best line of defence. The key to combating online fraud is knowing what threats exist and taking easy steps to beat them. Types of online fraud include: Internet banking fraud – committed using online technology to illegally remove […]
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To help prevent thieves targeting your vehicle and property, consider implementing these security tips: Lock your vehicle doors and close all windows. Install an alarm or immobiliser and activate it every time you leave your vehicle. At night park your vehicle in a well-lit area. Park off the road and if possible in a locked […]
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If you live, work or visiting a bushfire-prone area then it’s important to be on the lookout for firebugs. That’s why it is important to understand the types of suspicious behaviour and how to make a report – because an arsonist may be practicing in your area. Remember that when you make a report to […]
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In this article, we outline some uncomfortable truths that a drug dealer won’t be in any hurry to reveal – and the reality can be just as painful as the misery they spread through their illegal activities. Here are six things worth thinking about …. Dealers use fillers It is common knowledge that drug dealers […]
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There has been plenty of examples where ordinary homes are turned into makeshift cannabis grow houses, so we need your help to shut them down. Here are some signs to look out for: Strong, sickly smells It may sound obvious, but most hydroponic cannabis crops are discovered by passers-by or keen-nosed residents catching a whiff […]
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Ice labs have been found right across Australia in factories, backyard sheds, rural properties, apartments, family homes, hotel rooms – even inside caravans and tents in the bush. But what are the tell-tale signs you should you be looking for? While there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to where criminals manufacture […]
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